The original Michael Myers mask used in “Halloween” was a William Shatner mask, painted white and slightly modified. Nearly every...
Finally! An honest book about making serious money online! So, I thought this book was a joke because the release...
Some people may feel that it’s inappropriate to dress up your cuddly companion as a notorious child murderer. But, those people...
There’s really nothing more frightening than a weirdo/religious fanatic with a puppet speaking to your children via scratchy...
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April Fool’s Day! That one time of the year where it’s totally acceptable to act like a juvenile douche. Live it...
The psychos from DM Pranks truly outdid themselves with this disturbing prank. They spent over 20 hours waiting for victims and used...
People are dying to get in on this yard sale. (source: imgur) Spacing! (source: imgur) Wait for it…...