There’s a lot of turbulence aboard the Starship Enterprise. Thankfully, through the magic of television and fine acting we get...
April Fool’s Day! That one time of the year where it’s totally acceptable to act like a juvenile douche. Live it...
Will you survive the war of the giants? via via via via via via via via via via...
Redditor, Honesty_Addict , writes “Some kids have been peering through my letterbox recently. It was creeping me out. I decided...
Some people may feel that it’s inappropriate to dress up your cuddly companion as a notorious child murderer. But, those people...
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People are dying to get in on this yard sale. (source: imgur) Spacing! (source: imgur) Wait for it…...
Hilarious Zombie Girl Prank Will Make You Crap Your Pants! Skip ahead to 30 seconds....