Hordes of the undead shambled through the streets of Brussels recently for “Zombie Parade,” a yearly event organized by the...
Photographer Matthew Chan captured these beautifully gruesome, Zombie Disney Princesses. I hope their princes have enough brains to keep them satisfied. ...
Musician, Rob Scallon, just uploaded this great, cover version of Slayer’s ‘Raining Blood’ on the banjo. After he melts your...
Sculpture and DeviantArtist “Joker-laugh” created this awesome Alien vs Predator chess set from scratch and writes, “The board itself measures 25 x...
Will you survive the war of the giants? via via via via via via via via via via...
So, imagine this. You and your friends finally get the courage to go explore that old abandoned mental hospital. You...
Ouija Boards freak some people out. If you’re not one of those people and have ever wanted to conjure spirits over your...
Sculptor, Kilroy III from KilroysAttic on Etsy, created this unique piece that transforms from an Alien Xenomorph into a set...